Construction of extraction pilot plant has started

Construction of the extraction pilot plant has started

On July 2nd, we officially launched the construction of our pilot plant in Emmen. We did that together with our JTF partners, construction partners, and all our Paques Biomaterials colleagues. We are one step closer to producing a natural alternative to plastic!

construction extraction pilot plant

Before the official launch of the construction, our colleague Jelmer Tamis spoke about the first steps of our technology. Jelmer Tamis has been working on our PHA technology for over 10 years. Boudewijn Brandt continued the story about the challenges of scaling up from lab to pilot. The next step will be from batch size to continuous production, and Boudewijn explained how this pilot plant will help us do that.

This project is co-financed by JTF funding:

This project is also co-financed by:

energiefonds drenthe