Development of biodegradable controlled-release fertilizers

Development of biodegradable controlled-release fertilizers Biodegradable controlled-release fertilizers are a very relevant application for us because of an enormous market pull that is expected within two years. The European Commission has recently also acknowledged the microplastic pollution caused by fertilizers with fossil-based plastic, and consequently, they have set up regulations that will finally prohibit the […]
JTF: Market-driven synthesis of fit-for-purpose bioplastics (PHBVs)

JTF: Market-driven synthesis of fit-for-purpose bioplastics (PHBVs) This JTF project aims to deepen our knowledge of the wide variety of PHBVs that can be produced from waste streams and their full potential for different applications. The project has been granted nearly €4 million. The total investment of this project is €8 million. We will be […]
PHA2USE: Our first step in scaling up our technology

PHA2USE project: Our first step in scaling up our technology In the last four years, we have cooperated with 5 Dutch Water boards in building and operating the PHA biomass demo plant in Dordrecht, our first step in scaling up our technology. The feedstock was focused on microbes from municipal wastewater. The demonstration plant in […]
Producing PHA from agri-food side streams in collaboration with Looop

Producing PHA from agri-food side streams in collaboration with Looop Together with Looop, we are collaborating on a project focused on producing PHA from agri-food side streams. Looop is an independent (knowledge) partner and supplier of these side streams from the agri-food sector. It is hardly surprising that we have found each other and will […]
Process Operators Caleyda Extraction Facility

We could use help at our Caleyda Extraction Facility in Emmen, so we are looking for two bold, full-time process operators Process Operators Caleyda Extraction Facility Summary of the position we offer youAs Process Operator you will have the opportunity to gain experience an incredibly broad range of new topics. We cooperate internationally with several […]
New ReBioCycle project on novel recycling and upcycling solutions for bioplastics

New ReBioCycle project on novel recycling and upcycling solutions for bioplastics Berlin, 2 October 2024 – The new EU-funded ReBioCycle project provides a portfolio of bioplastic sorting and recycling technologies within three complementary waste-processor-centric hubs. These hubs will be established for different technologies and technology readiness levels (TRL) in the Netherlands, Italy, Spain and partly […]
Biopolymers from water research group Wetsus

Biopolymers from water research group Wetsus We collaborate with Wetsus on a long-term research of biopolymers from water with Unilever, Stowa, and SNB. Research in this theme is to build on and bridge fundamental bioprocess engineering and materials science with downstream commercial opportunities for platform chemicals and bioplastics. The theme is an incubator to reach […]
Kick-off PROMOFER project CBE JU call

Last week, the PROMOFER project kicked off in Valencia. We are very excited to be part of this new project funded by Circular Bio-based Europe Joint Undertaking (CBE JU) call.
Construction of extraction pilot plant has started

On July 2nd, we officially launched the construction of our pilot plant in Emmen.
Tadaa… our research extraction facility

Our Research Extraction Facility (REF) in Balk is operational! This facility is engineered to help us develop our extraction technology efficiently. We extract only a few grams in our laboratory but over 25 kilos per run in our pilot plant in Emmen. We were looking for an intermediate solution that gave us the flexibility to […]