PDC visited Paques Biomaterials on 18 February 2025 in Balk, Friesland, NL, to kick off the conceptual process design tasks for producing PHA/PHBV in the context of the EU-funded Promofer project.
Biodegradable bioplastics, also known as biodegradable or renewable materials, are among the most in-demand biobased products. However, to meet market demands, the material’s properties need to be improved and its application areas broadened.
PROMOFER aims to address this issue by producing high-value bioplastics applications from two kinds of feedstock—lignocellulosic biomass and food industry waste—and improving fermentation processes and downstream purification.
PDC will perform the conceptual process design (CPD) of different fermentation and downstream separation processes. Secondly, the economic feasibility of the identified scenarios will be assessed, including life cycle costing (LCC). Finally, the environmental effects caused by the project will be defined and quantified by means of environmental life cycle analysis (LCA).
For more info on PROMOFER you can
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