Two projects regarding biodegradable controlled-release fertilizers

Biodegradable controlled-release fertilizers

Biodegradable controlled-release fertilizers are a very relevant application for us because of an enormous market pull that is expected within two years.

The European Commission has recently also acknowledged the microplastic pollution caused by fertilizers with fossil-based plastic, and consequently, they have set up regulations that will finally prohibit the use of the current generation of controlled-release fertilizers. A transition period of 5 years will apply, after which the microplastic regulation enters into force. Thus, from 2026 onwards, only polymers meeting the biodegradability requirements in the new regulation will be allowed on the market. Therefore, we are in more than one project concerning biodegradable controlled fertilizers.

1. Delft Solid Solutions

Firstly, we are cooperating with Delft Solid Solutions to develop a biodegradable coating for fertilizers. Delft Solid Solutions has now successfully applied Caleyda® produced from second-generation feedstock as a fully biodegradable coating with controlled-release properties, facilitating the slow release of nutrients from several days to weeks to months. This way, they can also fulfil the controlled release requirements described in the ISO 21263:2017 standard. Delft Solid Solutions has already applied for a patent.  

2. Wetsus, Unilever, Stowa and SNB

Secondly, we collaborate with Wetsus on a long-term project together with Unilever, Stowa, and SNB. At Wetsus, PhD students continuously research the PHA accumulation process, the solvent extraction process, and PHA characterization. At the end of this year (2024), a PhD project will start dedicated to the direct use of PHA in solvent for coating, with a focus on membranes and controlled release coatings.


This project started in January 2018 and will continue until further notice.